The full Scouts uniform is:
- Hat with a ‘Sea Scout’ tally band (Seaman’s Class 2 round cap)
- Group scarf with ‘wheel’ badge
- Sea Scout jersey – navy blue with “Sea Scouts” embroidered in white across the chest.
- Scout polo shirt and hoodie
- Black trousers (see requirements below)
- Plain black socks (above the ankle) and smart black shoes

Staged Activity badges should be taken off your Cubs fleece and moved over to your Scouts jumper as these badges reflect everything you have done from Beavers, Cubs to Scouts and on to Explorers.
How to Fit and wear your Seaman’s round cap correctly

Scout’s black trousers should be a Regular/Straight Fit i.e. the trouser legs are straight all the way down and are neither tapered nor flared. The following styles are not acceptable as part of the Scouts Uniform: Drainpipes/Skinny, Slim Fit, Bootcut or Baggy.